Adshares pokazuje swoją pierwszą reklamę w metaversie. Nasz partner będzie listowany na nowej giełdzie. Od Piątku 7.01.2021 będzie dostępna opcja handlu w parze ADS/USDT na giełdzie BitMart
Adshares $ADS already runs advertisements inside #Metaverse 🌌 #Adshares is the first 🥇 100% decentralized marketplace for programmatic 💻advertising, also being the most advanced 🚀 #blockchain-based project in the advertising market.#OneProtocolToMonetizeThemAll
— Adshares (@adsharesNet) January 4, 2022
Only 2 days 🗓️ until @BitMartExchange listing of ADS/USDT pair 🔥 Thanks to our new partner, $ADS will be even more present and easier to acquire!🚀
BitMart will also mark its presence in the #Metaverse 🌌 by using Adshares web3 protocol for #ads 📢
— Adshares (@adsharesNet) January 5, 2022